Lighting Diagram, Beauty, Fashion Christos Sewell Lighting Diagram, Beauty, Fashion Christos Sewell

Ruby Red

Always be prepared. The sun can be your best ally or your worst asset depending on location and the time of day. Desert climates can be especially brutal.

(Lighting Diagrams have been included)

Model: Alexia Rae Castillo

If you have a brilliant model to work with but time is not on your side you need to be prepared for any situation. In this case the sun was a bit too strong to shoot in and I didn’t want to blow out her skin or hair… AND I wanted the textures in the background to set off the colors of her jumper.

That being said, I’m glad I had a strobe available that had the capabilities of High Speed Sync. I prefer to make use of a strobe than to use a ND filter, because I wanted to preserve the details without tampering with the highlights in on her skin, hair and wardrobe. With the strobe correctly positioned and measured, I was able to overpower the sun to correctly balance subject and background.

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